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Salam trader dikasihi,


Salam pengenalan macstob 935 version 2 atas research and development sellindicator.


Macstob 935 adalah teknikal olahan idea dan curahan masa agak panjang dari saya, mencari setting yang agak accurate dalam trading saya bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, ia mngambil masa agak lama untuk disiapkan dengan bactest dari curahan dari pengorbanan masa dan wang.

Ya, memang benar kata anda dimana indicator indicator di platform diberi oleh pencipta secara percuma dan saya ucapkan terima kasih atas hasil ciptaan indicator dicipta oleh mereka tapi secara umumnya sang pencipta hanya mencerita cara asas pengunaan sahaja malah dimana mana forum kite dapati penerangan pengunaan satu timeframe yang besar dan saya pula mengembangkan atas kapasiti mencari setting yang sesuai dan menemukan pelbagai cara entry yang lebih luas, malah saya tidak seberapa fasih berbahasa engglish untuk memahami cara pengunaan dari pencipta dan saya kena terjemah mengunakan logik akal, pandangan mata, rekod dan backtest.. selepas selesai backtest saya gabungkan teori penemuan timeframe m1, teori pair, teori masa, teori entry, teori chart dan candlestick dan beberapa sistem money management.

Apakah macstob 935?

macstob adalah singkatan nama atas gabungan antara indicator macd 35, 45, 9, macd 35, 45, 30, stochastic 9.3.5, bolinger band standart dan bolinger band shift -2

Macstob 935 telah jalani ujian dan penambahan baik dari sistem teknik saya sbelum ini iaitu version 1 tfm1 triple sars handphone dan version 2 macstob sars, kedua sistem teknikal ini tiada lagi sistem money managment dibina saya.

Macstob 935 ini terhasil atas kajian keatasan timeframe minit 1 dan timeframe kecil dimana saya miliki kemahiran untuk hit n run yang memerlukan entry masuk dan keluar dengan pantas dalam masa singkat dengan kata lain pips kecil diperlukan untuk dibawa lari.

Stochastic dan gabungan high dan low bolinger band digunakan dalam aspek hit n run trading dan stochastic adalah entry paling awal yang tertinggi dalam macstob diikuti macd dan mid bolinger band untuk hold position.

Macd dan gabungan mid bolinger band lebih kearah entry hold dengan dimasukan skill lock profit selepas hit n run hit target.

Kemahiran macstob ini tiada batasan pengunaan disemua timeframe samada single timeframe atau multi time frame umumnya tapi saya lebih suggest trader mahirkan hit n run compounding sbelum ke skill hold masctob 935.

Dalam masa sama macstob telah dinaik taraf  dalam RND atas penemuan sistem teknikal baru selepas bacstest dimana macstob 935 juga mampu predict arah news high dan low impact dan juga penemuan skill correlation pair atau entry pukal pair samaada hit n run atau hold dalam 1 matawang.

Walaubagaimanapun macstob akan jadi sangat bagus pengunaan atas trader bila digabungkan skill money management sellindicator yang simple olahan idea saya.

Welcome aboard to all traders..

For information, macstob 935 is my 2nd version of a THT product, based on research and development made by sellindicator.

Macstob 935 is a technical strategy / system developed by the founder, Md Faizal Sapian and it took quite a long time for me to complete this system as i was determined to find the most high accuracy setting and believe me, it's not that easy. This effort alone took toll on my health, time and money, especially.

I don't deny the fact that my system includes only basic indicators which you can find in your mt4. Some people in this industry refused to acknowledge my effort as the founder of this system merely because of all the free basic indicators which according to them was not made my me and therefore i cannot claim the system to me mine. They perhaps don't even have the knowledge that the creators for all the indicators i used presented the indicators in their default settings (which differ from mine) and all of them based their use on a single higher timeframe; mostly on a daily timeframe. I don't quite understand why it's difficult for our people (especially) to recognise my effort in exploring, tweaking and fine tuning in order to come out with the most high accuracy settings and finding various ways of setup and entry using only my logics based on what i see during the backtesting and forward-testing phases. I can't even rely on the explanations given by the creators (of the indicators I used) since i am not fluent in English, but I still thanked them for creating such a wonderful indicators. All the exploring and hard work benefit me in a way which i am now able to combine all my findings on the other theories as well - m1 timeframe, pairs, entry, chart, candlestick and a few money management systems. Please do keep in mind i personally choose to use only basic indicators simply because my goal is to have a system which i can use not only on a pc and laptop (which appear to be the most common medium for traders), but also to enable me to trade just using my mobile while on the go. I am sure this element alone would be a huge advantage for all the newbies, especially the part time traders.


What is Macstob 935?

Macstob is a shorten name based on a combination of all the indicators i used for this system :
1) macd 35, 45, 9
2) macd 35, 45, 30
3) stochastic 9.3.5 simple, close.
4) bolinger band standard (20,2,0)
5) bolinger band (same setting as no 4, just need to add shift -2)

Macstob 935 has gone through few testings and upgrades from my previous technical systems - 1st version : 1 tfm1 triple sars for mobile and 2nd version : macstob sars. I haven't integrate my money management system in those previous systems of mine.

Macstob 935 is a result of my study on lower timeframes especially on m1 timeframe, which i've developed skill and expertise to hit and run the market. It needs skill to enter and get out from the market as quickly as possible or simply looking for smaller pips.

Confluence signals based on stochastic and upper / lower bolinger band is crucial to make the above possible. Stochastic signal give an early entry signal in Macstob 935, followed by the signals from macd and mid bolinger bands (mainly for holding the position/s by using a breakeven function after hit and run strategy hit the target).

From personal experience, Macstob 935 skill has no limit of usage - it can be use in single timeframe or multi- timeframe, on single pair or many pairs at once. But I prefer and recommend traders to become an expert in hit and run compounding setup before jump to a intraday / swing style.

As the founder of this system, I am proud to claim that during a continuous RND phase; Macstob 935 is found to have the higher potential in predicting the direction for the upcoming of both high / low impact news and able to give correlation signals - both hit and run or swing signals.

Keep in mind, Macstob 935 will be more efficient when traders are able to utilise and integrate my simple money management skills into the system.

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